64,560 research outputs found

    Residual-strength tests of L-1011 vertical fin components after 10 and 20 years of simulated flight service

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    Part of the NASA/ACEE Program was to determine the effect of long-term durability testing on the residual strength of graphite-epoxy cover panel and spar components of the Lockheed L-1011 aircraft vertical stabilizer. The results of these residual strength tests are presented herein. The structural behavior and failure mode of both cover panel and spar components were addressed, and the test results obtained were compared with the static test results generated by Lockheed. The effect of damage on one of the spar specimens was described

    Asymptotically Exact Approximations for the Symmetric Difference of Generalized Marcum-Q Functions

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    (c) 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2014.2337263In this paper, we derive two simple and asymptotically exact approximations for the function defined as ΔQm(a, b) =Δ Qm(a, b) - Qm(b, a). The generalized Marcum Q-function Qm(a, b) appears in many scenarios in communications in this particular form and is referred to as the symmetric difference of generalized Marcum Q-functions or the difference of generalized Marcum Q-functions with reversed arguments. We show that the symmetric difference of Marcum Q-functions can be expressed in terms of a single Gaussian Q-function for large and even moderate values of the arguments a and b. A second approximation for ΔQm(a, b) is also given in terms of the exponential function. We illustrate the applicability of these new approximations in different scenarios: 1) statistical characterization of Hoyt fading; 2) performance analysis of communication systems; 3) level crossing statistics of a sampled Rayleigh envelope; and 4) asymptotic approximation of the Rice Ie-function.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional. Andalucía Tech

    Stability and Security in Employment and Decent Work

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.FLA_2012_Rpt_Stability_Security_Decent_Work.pdf: 1885 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Expanding the molecular weaponry of bacterial species

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    NLO predictions for the growth of F2F_2 at small xx and comparison with experimental data

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    We present parametrizations for the proton structure function F2F_2 in the next to leading order in perturbative QCD. The calculations show that the dominant term to F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2) should grow as x^{-\ls} for small xx values, with the exponent \ls being essentially independent of Q2Q^2. Comparisons with the most recent H1 and ZEUS data confirm the value \ls \sim 0.35 obtained previously from fits to low energy data.Comment: 18 page

    Method of continuously determining crack length

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    The determination of crack lengths in an accurate and straight forward manner is very useful in studying and preventing load created flaws and cracks. A crack length sensor according to the present invention is fabricated in a rectangular or other geometrical form from a conductive powder impregnated polymer material. The long edges of the sensor are silver painted on both sides and the sensor is then bonded to a test specimen via an adhesive having sufficient thickness to also serve as an insulator. A lead wire is connected to each of the two outwardly facing silver painted edges. The resistance across the sensor changes as a function of the crack length in the specimen and sensor. The novel aspect of the present invention includes the use of relatively uncomplicated sensors and instrumentation to effectively measure the length of generated cracks


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    As a result of the emerging market crises of the last decade and a large body of academic research on the influence of investor protection in the development of capital markets and economic growth, there is a growing consensus that reforming the legal infrastructure supporting business should be an important component of reforms in many developing countries. But the consensus is unwieldy, as there are still many forces against reform and little agreement about what constitutes feasible legal reforms. This paper has two parts. In the first, we identify the forces for and against legal reform and review the role these forces play in episodes of reform. In the second, we seek to further our understanding of what constitutes good laws and regulatory mechanisms, and more importantly how to make them enforceable in different countries. If legal reform is to succeed, the commonly advocated principles of corporate governance in the international community must be brought down to the local political and judicial realities. Translating international corporate governance initiatives into clear and enforceable rights for creditors and shareholders that incorporate these constraints will be difficult but necessary. Bankruptcy law and corporate law reform need to be politically feasible and enforceable. Legal reforms should be complemented with carefully drafted judicial reforms, as well as market-based mechanisms that foster a culture of corporate governance.
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